boring diet page, formerly known as the lo carblog.

Monday, October 11

O frabjous day. The USDA Database has been revised, and the carb count for 100 grams of coffee, brewed, espresso, restaurant-prepared has been revised from 1.5 grams to... ZERO. That's at least three new grams a day I just gained. W00t, I say, w000t! I shall celebrate with a nice shot of black gold.
binki 3:49 PM |

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Diet stuff (specifically low-carb, Atkins-type stuff) will be on this weblog from now on, so as not to clutter the regular blog with its boringness. As I learn about new low-carb stuff I'll post it to this blog, so check in from time to time if you care to. If you got here directly from a search result and want to read about anything other than low-carb living, here's how you get to the rest of my site!

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If you want to send me email, just send it to anybody at foomart dot com.

Useful links:
Atkins All the Way boards
Active Low Carber boards
Low Carb Transformation boards
Low Carb Eating boards
First Step Tracker
USDA nutritional info
Glycemic Index
Liquid Splenda!
Honeyville Grain
A La Carb

The skinny people want what the fat people's got...