boring diet page, formerly known as the lo carblog.

Wednesday, January 5

I have started the new year by reinducting. I'm being extra strict, not even Splenda. Down five or so pounds already, and I feel much better than I had during the last couple weeks of the year when I was gorging (on legal foods, but just too much of them.)

My banta experiment didn't work out too well; I was doing it the fun way, i.e. "I've just had ten ounces of steak so now I have to eat two slices of cheesecake to get the fat ratio over 80%." Seems this isn't really how it's supposed to work. Apparently there's a concept called "limiting protein" that comes into play. Dunno. In any case, I'm inducting cleanly and actually having trouble hitting 20 grams a day. I've only gone over 10 grams once this week, and that's including the 2 cups of salad and cup of cooked other veggies every day, so go figure. The first time I did Atkins I had trouble keeping it under 20. But then again I wasn't limiting cheese or cream at all, and I am now. I was also eating lots of goodies. This time is easier, I think. Just drawing a line in the sand and not having any sweeteners at all helps a lot with the cravings.
binki 2:47 PM |

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The skinny people want what the fat people's got...