boring diet page, formerly known as the lo carblog.

Sunday, March 27

So LCF approved my Buzzbombs recipe. It requires some specialty ingredients, but once you have those on hand I can show you many wonders. I can tell you for sure I'm buying a 50-pound sack of polydextrose next time.
binki 4:16 PM |

Sunday, March 13

Criminy, it's been a while since I posted here, hasn't it? I'm still doing Atkins, still loving it, no intention of ever eating high-carb foods again. I've been baking a lot with polydextrose, which I love. The only downside to the whole lifestyle is that a couple very useful and irreplaceable products are only available from one online retailer, and I'd really like to stop giving them my money, since they're being real douchebags on the bulletin board they took over. Today they censored a link I posted to Amazon, to the book Sugar Blues. What the fuck? Censoring links to books? I think the thermostat in that office is set dangerously high. In any case, I'll be much happier when I can buy my Carbquik and MiniCarb chocolate chips from someone other than the Fascist Bullyboys to whom I had a link on this page until very recently.
binki 10:19 PM |

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Diet stuff (specifically low-carb, Atkins-type stuff) will be on this weblog from now on, so as not to clutter the regular blog with its boringness. As I learn about new low-carb stuff I'll post it to this blog, so check in from time to time if you care to. If you got here directly from a search result and want to read about anything other than low-carb living, here's how you get to the rest of my site!

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If you want to send me email, just send it to anybody at foomart dot com.

Useful links:
Atkins All the Way boards
Active Low Carber boards
Low Carb Transformation boards
Low Carb Eating boards
First Step Tracker
USDA nutritional info
Glycemic Index
Liquid Splenda!
Honeyville Grain
A La Carb

The skinny people want what the fat people's got...