boring diet page, formerly known as the lo carblog.

Friday, November 19

Totally digging the Banta thing, other than the intrinsic evilness of the site d| They've taken ownership of the Banta diet, despite it having been invented in the 19th century, and have sent nastygrams to all the LC support sites. One site completely annihilated every discussion thread that mentioned it, vaporizing discussions, recipes, everything. The other site, usually a bastion of censorship, took a more sane approach and just reminded everyone not to copy stuff directly from d& Much nicer than the scorched earth of the first site.

In any case, I've grabbed a squizillion recipes over the last year, low-carb and Banta, and I'm making them into a cookbook. It's hungry work, but it'll be nice to have everything in one place finally. The laptop in the kitchen is just not viable.

I like this diet a lot. I was originally just going to do it for November so I could make weight in December, but it'll be a drag to slow down the delicious fat intake. On the other hand, it's really, really weird to eat this much fat. It's awesome and wonderful and luxurious, of course, but it's tough to believe it's good for you after a lifetime of anti-fat programming. I'm also a little worried that B is going to blow up since he's eating the desserts I make without being on a ketogenic diet. Most of the food I make has some kind of meat in it, so he's safe from that, but the desserts are ovo-lacto spectacular...really, the hardest part about this diet is not eating peanut butter pie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
binki 10:20 AM |

Sunday, November 7

If there is a bandwagon, I'll jump on it. I need to drop a couple of pounds before the competition on 12/4 so I've decided to try carb cycling. It's one of the latest big fads on the LC boards. Last week was neatly bookended by two parties so I called that a carb-up week, and now this week—or fortnight—will be a carb-down cycle. To complicate things, and so we'll never know for sure what works, I'm also upping my fats à la Banta diet, which was in last week, and I'm also eating more cinnamon, because that is the dieting trend this week. I've posted about cinnamon in the past, but for some reason the trend is really hot on the LC boards right now. Fine with me; I'd gotten out of the habit and winter is a great time to get back in. I've also decided to quit all artificial sweeteners for a while, to see if the Splenda is what's been keeping me hungry, so it's a nice treat to have a little cinnamon taste in my coffee. I put it right in the portafilter with the espresso and pull it into the shot. It's doggone yummity.

Speaking of yummity, and Banta, and cinnamon, here is a special treat. It was posted by someone named Built who's a kickass Canadian body builder. To my distress, she seems to have disappeared from the boards lately, and when I posted an inquiry as to her whereabouts my post was deleted. And this isn't on the board with the heavy-handed censorship problems, either, so it's very weird. In any case, here's a nice high-fat low-carb snack that takes seconds to make and will make you smile:

Built's Yummy Thing
1 T natty peanut butter
2T heavy cream
a drop of vanilla
a pinch of Splenda (though I think it's just as good without it)

Stir vigorously in a small bowl until the mixture thickens, then lick it off the spoon. Yummmm. You can add cinnamon for an extra treat—with health benefits to boot. (Why does the combination of cinnamon and peanut butter taste so familiar? Was there something I loved during my childhood with that taste?)
binki 5:40 PM |

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The skinny people want what the fat people's got...